A message from Service Plus

We provide online scheduling!

online scheduling - by BookFresh

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Upcoming Newsletter

Well, its been a while since I sat down and did any blogging.  Dana and I have been busy with all the fun stuff that makes a business work.  I hope everybody had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  I'm glad the holidays are over and we're well into the new year at this point.  We look forward to serving all of you this year!

Dana and I will be putting out a monthly e-newsletter starting in February.  We are going to feature a different business or businesses each month.  We know people like to do business with people they know and trust.  (We will be throwing in a plug for our services, too.)  If you or someone you know has a business we could feature, please contact us! 

Please keep an eye out for our newsletter in your email and don't forget....
Summer is just around the corner!  Is your A/C ready?

We offer online scheduling, book an appointment now!

I offer online scheduling using BookFresh